Interview What is your current position? Nursing assistant Nurse practitioner Surgical assistant nurse Emergency room nurse Home care nurse Other Have you completed an internship? No Yes, a basic nursing course Yes, a 1-2 year training with exams In which department would you like to work? emergency department oncology intensive care geriatrics function service psychiatry anesthesia ENT Stroke Unit IMC urology paediatrics radiology Miscellaneous In which cities would you like to work? Which option will be more suitable for you? full time part time (50 - 90 %) sideline Which type of contract do you prefer? permanent employment temporary work apprenticeship Where would you like to work? hospital Old people's home Ambulatory care service When are you looking for a new job? Instantly Within 2 months Within 6 months IN 6 months to 1 year Currently not looking Name Email Phone Time's up By MOM-Personal-61634dfjkhdf|2023-01-16T16:46:46+01:0012. Juli 2022|Kommentare deaktiviert für Interview Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail About the Author: MOM-Personal-61634dfjkhdf